chaparral High School 

firebird band program

Welcome to the website of the Chaparral Band program brought to you by the Chaparral Band Boosters. We support the Chaparral High School Band Program; which includes the Marching, Jazz, and Concert/Symphonic bands. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to provide the financial, material, and personal resources to ensure the students have a fulfilling musical education and life-changing experience.

We do our best to keep all of our parents, friends, volunteers, and fans informed, so please continue to check back here, sign up for Remind text messages, and subscribe to our Booster Blast emails to stay up to date.

Upcoming Events

1/6 First Day of Jazz Band Class

1/7 Orlando Trip Rehearsal

1/9 Performance trip to Cocopah Middle School

1/13 Feed My Starving Children Trip

1/18 State Solo & Ensemble Festival

1/21All Parent Booster Meeting 

1/24-25 All Region Honor Band Auditions

1/28 Parada Practice

2/1 Parada del Sol Parade

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Booster Board!

Field Practice August 2023
