Chaparral High School Band Program

Under Construction

Upcoming events

  • Honor Band Rehearsal


    All Region Honor Band Rehearsal and Performance.

  • Concert Festival Rehearsal


    Concert Festival Rehearsal for all attending the ABODA Concert Band Festival

  • Pit Orchestra Rehearsal


    Pit Orchestra Rehearsal

  • Marching Band

    Joining a marching band can be a transformative experience, offering benefits that extend far beyond the music field

  • Jazz Band

    Whether you're looking to improve your musical abilities, develop new skills, or simply enjoy the joy of playing with others, joining a jazz band can be a highly rewarding experience..

  • Concert Band

    Whether you're looking to improve your musical skills, connect with others, or simply enjoy the experience of making music, joining a concert band can be a fulfilling and enriching experience

  • Percussion Ensemble

    Joining a percussion ensemble can be a deeply rewarding experience, offering a blend of musical, personal, and social growth

Marching Band Performance

Chaparral Marching Band ABODA State Semi-Final Performance at Gilbert High School.

Program Performance Soliel