2024 Marching band season Booster fee

The booster fee for the Marching Band season this year is $350 by September 1st. 

The booster fee covers items like uniform cleanings, color guard uniforms, truck rentals, gloves and shoes, snacks and water, and much more. 

There are several ways to pay the booster fee:

1) If paying by credit card or PayPal please pay $360

2) Via Zelle ($350) using treasurer@firebirdband.org as the payee name goes directly to the booster bank account.

3) Via the Booster Box ($350) in the band room. Cash or Check. Please ensure the type of fee being paid and the name of the student(s) is included. The box is secure. 

Please add an additional $32 for Student Leaders who need a polo shirt or $34 paying with a credit card.   

The Concert Band and Ensemble fee is $40 or $42 if paying by credit card or paypal. 

If you have any questions please reach out to a booster board officer