To volunteer click on this link: SignUpGenius
Volunteers are a vital aspect of any band program. We encourge family memeber/friends help by volunteering at one of the many event through out the year. Marching band season is the busiest time of year and we are always in need of volunteers.
We CAN’T do this without you!
We absolutely need volunteers for each and every band event, trip, and competition. Without volunteers, none of this is possible.
Here are just a few ways our wonderful Volunteers and Chaperones help out:
Chaperone away games and competitions
Help with uniforms (uniform fitting, plume the shakos before and after performances, etc.)
Videotape or photograph band events
Serve water to students at games and events
Serve food/beverages to students on trips, football games, competitions, outings, contests, etc.
Help with fundraisers
Help organize and work at social events (i.e. Ice Cream Social, Marching Band Banquet held each year in December, Parada Del Sol Parade, end of year band picnic, etc.)
Help with other special events as needed
Contact the volunteer coordinator with any questions.